Thursday, February 10, 2011

Oh yeah...

And don't forget that everything but the journal is due on Monday!  That includes Vocabulary!

Test next week!

Week 5--the final Week!

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Week 5 Reading Comprehension Questions

Write the answers to the question on a separate sheet of paper.  Unless noted otherwise, you should write all answers in complete sentences.

Chapter 10

  1. Who shot Papa?
  2. What injuries did Mr. Morrison do to the men that attacked the Papa, Stacey, and him?
  3. When Kaleb Wallace will not move his truck and let Mr. Morrison by with the wagon, what does Mr. Morrison do?
  4. Why do you think Jeremy spends so much time in his tree house?
  5. What does it mean that the bank “called up the note”?
  6. What are some reasons Cassie likes the annual revival meeting?
  7. How does Uncle Hammer raise the money to pay the mortgage?
  8. Why does Cassie feel sorry for T.J. when comes to the revival meeting?

Chapter 11

  1. Who shows up at the Logan’s house at the beginning of Chapter 11?
  2. Briefly describe what happened when T.J. and the Simmes go to the Barnett’s store to get the pearl-handled pistol.
  3. Who shows up to try to stop the Wallaces from immediately killing T.J.?

Chapter 12

  1. Who does Mama think can stop the Wallaces from hurting T.J.?  What reason does Papa give that the person will not stop them?
  2. Why do you think Papa starts the fire in his own cotton field?
  3. What has happened to T.J. at the end of the book?
  4. At the end of the last chapter, why do you think Cassie cries out for T.J., even though she never liked him?
  1. Complete ONE journal question for Week 5.  Choose one of the journals below to complete.  Remember your journal must be one COMPLETE page (front and back if hand written, skipping lines or double spaced if typed). 
    1. Question 1: After you have finished the book, how do you feel about everything that T.J. has done in the book?  What emotions do you feel for him and why?
    2. Question 2: If you were in Papa’s position at the end of the book, would have done what he did to save T.J.?  What other options can you think of to help save T.J.?  Explain why you would choose the option you do.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Week 4!

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Week 4 Reading Comprehension Questions

Write the answers to the question on a separate sheet of paper.  Unless noted otherwise, you should write all answers in complete sentences.

Chapter 8

  1. Why is Lillian Jean so surprised when Cassie asks if she can carry her books?
  2. What is Cassie’s real reason for acting like a servant for Lillian Jean?
  3. Why did T.J. want to get Mrs. Logan in trouble?
  4. Why won’t Lillian Jean tell about Cassie’s revenge?
  5. What do you think is the real reason Kaleb Wallace and Harlan Granger have Mrs. Logan fired?
  6. What does T.J. realize at the end of Chapter 8?

Chapter 9

  1. What does Stacey realize about Jeremy’s family?
  2. How are R.W. and Melvin Simms treating T.J.?  Why?
  3. Why does Mr. Avery tell the Logans he can no longer shop in Vicksburg?
  4. Who goes to Vicksburg to get the groceries?
  5. What happens to Papa on the way back from Vicksburg?
  6. Who blames himself for Papa’s “accident”?  Why?
  7. What are Christopher-John and Little Man most afraid of when Papa comes home from Vicksburg?


  1. Complete ONE journal question for Week 4.  Choose one of the journals below to complete.  Remember your journal must be one COMPLETE page (front and back if hand written, skipping lines or double spaced if typed). 
    1. Question 1: Cassie plots her revenge on Lillian Jean for the way she has been treated by her and her family.  Explain her plan and tell whether you think that it is a good plan or not.  What would you have done differently?
    2. Question 2: As we near the end of the book, the violence toward the Logan family is continuing to get worse.  What do you predict will happen at the end of the book with the characters?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Week 3

Sorry for being so lax, kids.  Here's a copy of the Week 3 questions.  They're due Monday like normal!
Also, here's a copy of the journal question that's due on Wednesday.
  1. Complete ONE journal question for Week 3.  Choose one of the journals below to complete.  Remember your journal must be one COMPLETE page (front and back if hand written, skipping lines or double spaced if typed). 
    1. Question 1: In this story there are 2 white people that are nice or helpful to the African-American characters in this book—Mr. Jamison and Jeremy.  Both have trouble with other white characters because of the relationships they form with the Logans.  Why do you think they risk their reputations for their friendships and would you do the same thing or have you ever risked a relationship because of what you think is “right”?
    2. Question 2: Why do you think the Logan children were so excited about the books they received on Christmas?  Has there ever been a gift you were so excited to receive?  What was it, and why was it so important to you?
Vocab and Vocab Check are on Tuesday--don't forget!

Hope you're enjoying the book!
Mrs. Doenges :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Creating Crossword/Word Search Puzzles Online

You can make your Crossword Puzzles or Word Searches Online.  Here are some sites that could help:

Don't forget to make a key!

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Begins!

Once again, we are starting a new novel!  Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry begins TODAY (1-10).  I will try to get some pages updated for you as soon as I can.  Some noteable dates:
  • Quiz over Chapter 1 on FRIDAY 1/14
  • Students in #1 desks (6D: E.C., P.D., G.S., L.L.; 6P: B.A., L.L., H.S., N.E.; 6W: T.S., A.C., M.S., S.K.) have their Vocab Assignment (make a crossword puzzle or word search using 10 vocab words) due THURSDAY 1/13
  • Students in #2-4 will receive the vocab assignment from #1 on Friday it will be due on TUESDAY 1/18
  • Students in #2 desk will come up with 3 questions for their group's discussion--exception (6P's green group will have H.H. come up with questions)
  • Reading Check Questions and Chapter 1-3 due TUESDAY 1/18
  • Vocabulary and Vocab Check due TUESDAY 1/18
  • Journal due WEDNESDAY 1/19 (choose any 1 journal question)
**IF we miss school for any reason (i.e. Snow Day), the day you return, you are still expected to have completed that assignment!  If there is a quiz scheduled for Thursday and we miss Tuesday and Wednesday, you will STILL have a quiz Thursday.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Quarter 2 Vocabulary Words

Vocab Test is next week!!  Here is the list of words that will be on the test:
  • disgruntled
  • mete
  • dapper
  • allude
  • fractious
  • bamboozle
  • conundrum
  • somber
  • snivel
  • amuck
  • retribution
  • lethargic
  • expectation
  • doldrums
  • discord
  • dissonance
  • din
  • trivium
  • famine